Monday, November 3, 2008

Wild thing: Striped stinger

This article wild thing: Striped stinger, is mainly  about how the female scorpion and how it mates and takes care of its young. It tell about the  young scorpions too, how they are born and taken care of till it's time for them to leave their mother. It also states the what it looks like and how it lives.

I liked this article because  because were we live we are very common with scorpion's. Even thou i dislike this insects, it was very interesting to hear about how they live and how the take care of their young. For intense  I didn't know that they prey on other scorpions . I have always thought if you got stung that you would die because of the venom but I learned that you just end up swelling and itching.  In all this to say I learned quit a bit.

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